Untitled(The Placed Plants #55), 2019 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Hearst Fujingaho and Studio Xxingham
Untitled(The Placed Plants #118), 2019 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Hearst Fujingaho and Studio Xxingham
Untitled(The Placed Plants #133), 2019 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Hearst Fujingaho and Studio Xxingham
Untitled(The Placed Plants #202), 2019 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Hearst Fujingaho and Studio Xxingham
Untitled(The Placed Plants #273), 2019 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Hearst Fujingaho and Studio Xxingham
Untitled(The Placed Plants #284), 2019 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Hearst Fujingaho and Studio Xxingham