Untitled (An Art Project #48), 2014 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Ibaraki Prefecture and Studio Xxingham
Untitled(The Knobs and Handles #170), 2012 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Seisakusha and Studio Xxingham
Untitled(The Knobs and Handles #190), 2012 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Seisakusha and Studio Xxingham
Untitled(The Knobs and Handles #220), 2012 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Seisakusha and Studio Xxingham
Untitled(The Knobs and Handles #225), 2012 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Seisakusha and Studio Xxingham
Untitled(The Knobs and Handles #228), 2012 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Seisakusha and Studio Xxingham
Untitled(The Knobs and Handles #252), 2012 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Seisakusha and Studio Xxingham