Untitled (The Nightwatches Ⅰ #164), 2016 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Sankei Shimbun and Studio Xxingham
Untitled (The Nightwatches Ⅱ #227), 2016 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Sankei Shimbun and Studio Xxingham
Untitled (The Nightwatches Ⅲ #129), 2016 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Sankei Shimbun and Studio Xxingham
Untitled (The Nightwatches Ⅳ #96), 2016 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Sankei Shimbun and Studio Xxingham
Untitled (The Nightwatches Ⅴ #94), 2016 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Sankei Shimbun and Studio Xxingham
Untitled (The Nightwatches Ⅵ #96), 2016 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Sankei Shimbun and Studio Xxingham
Untitled (The Nightwatches Ⅶ #74), 2016 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Sankei Shimbun and Studio Xxingham
Untitled (The Nightwatches Ⅷ #118), 2016 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Sankei Shimbun and Studio Xxingham
Untitled (The Nightwatches Ⅸ #50), 2016 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Sankei Shimbun and Studio Xxingham
Untitled (The Nightwatches Ⅹ #95), 2016 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Sankei Shimbun and Studio Xxingham
Untitled (The Nightwatches Ⅺ #75), 2017 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Sankei Shimbun and Studio Xxingham
Untitled (The Nightwatches Ⅻ #70), 2017 ©︎ Gottingham
Image courtesy of Sankei Shimbun and Studio Xxingham